The student loan situation today is reaching a crisis.? Today there exists more student loan debt than ever, with higher rates of default and so much confusion.
Though there are so many safety nets no loans should ever become delinquent, the customer service reps typically know very little about the programs available to borrowers and cannot always give the best advice. This means that borrowers are often steered into predatory programs or programs that are not ideal for their specific situation.
Federal Student Loans has become an expensive game of ?Chutes & Ladders? where if you get into the right program you can pay off your loans easily and might even get thousands wiped away, or if you get into the wrong program you could be shocked to find you have to start all over to achieve the loan forgiveness you were expecting.
Come to SNAP workshop, Chutes and Ladders of Student Loan Repayment and learn how to:
- Remove much of the ?mystery? of Federal Student Loans.
- Understand the ?floorplan? of Federal Student Loan Repayment so you can climb ladders and avoid chutes in the repayment process.
If you have student loans or have close friends and family with student loans, you will want to catch this stimulating workshop.
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